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League of Leagues patch notes 10.4 & Eternals series


21 Feb 2020

Gabriel Sciberras

The League of Legends 10.4 patch notes brought quite a stir to the community, targetting multiple champions, fixing bugs and above all else, attending to the top-lane meta. In this article, we’ll also take a quick glimpse at the incoming introduction of ‘Eternals’ in LoL, explaining their integration into the title. 

Patch notes 10.4 Overview

In the past few weeks, charging up to the top lane would either imply that you’re running the champion of Soraka or Sona. The two have proven to be dominant here, as Soraka’s deadly Q paired with her cheap self-heal mechanic made her rather difficult to equalize, while Sona offered similar utility.
Riot Games equalized this through the 10.4 patch – as Soraka’s self-heal is now a whole lot more expensive and her passive has been replaced with a new one, while Sona suffered an ability price increase and additional abilities to persuade players to use her as a Support. However, an immediate hotfix reduced Sona’s efficacy further, cutting off some base and AD scaling together with reduced movement speed.
The 10.4 patch notes impacted other champions too, and Aphelion is a prime example. The unpredictable and 5-weapon wielding champion has caused a bit of trouble, so Riot Games put a stop to the mischief and helped out his opponents by making him more predictable.
Additional changes: 

  • Junglers buffed against monsters: Darius, Mordekaiser, Talon, Zed, Gnar, Garen, Diana
  • Amumu, Aurelion Sol, Caitlyn, Jayce, Lux, Rammus, Singed, Sylas, Udyr all slightly tweaked 
  • Bugfixes arranged 

Overall, the main changes have impacted both the top lane and jungle as outlined by the 10.4 patches.
Riot Games has something a tad more exciting planned for the future of League of Legends, however, as the 10.4 patch is only a stepping-stone to the revealed incoming feature of the so-called “Eternals”. 

Credit: Riot Games

What are Eternals in League of Legends? 

While it sounds very epic, it’s very simple. Riot Games is offering players the opportunity to show off their accomplishments through this stat-tracking feature. Activated following the purchase of an Eternal series, players will be given milestones to accomplish in-game. Once the threshold is reached, the entire lobby will be graced with a notification of the achievement.

Outside the game, eternals lol stats will be visible on champion cards in both the loading screen and death screen; which are adjustable as to what the player would like to show off, coming in two forms:

  • Common: general achievements
  • Unique: champion-specific statistics

There will be multiple milestones for each Eternal, all of which merit a notification in-game. Enough of these milestones results in dazzling up a Mastery Emote thanks to an added fire effect. Many smaller effects may be added.

To be available at the price of 75RP for Common Eternals and 200RP for Unique Eternals, they’re an exciting opportunity to assist in making grinding more rewarding both personally and socially.
No release date has been made known, but one can expect them more sooner than later. 

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Credit Riot Games

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